Timeline Web Element Template. Vector illustration on whiteTimeline  students studying for classGeography  
 ben franklin feather declaration pt resU.S. History  laptop earth revolveWorld History  



Using timelines is an excellent way for students to consider how events are connected.  They serve as a way for students to organize their thoughts. In teaching history, I've always been a big proponent of working with students to tell a story. This is what makes history come alive! The first step is building a timeline and, from this timeline, seeing how a is connected to b and how b is connected to c. That history isn't just a set of random events. In the past, they may have been taught to only learn certain historical events without knowing why they occurred or how they were related to other events. They would take a test asking them what occurred on a specific date, and once the test was over, they would forget about it. Here are some timelines that students can use to help them with their storytelling.


Sutori was the go-to online timeline that I used with students. You can embed files or web links and add images, videos, audio, etc. Also, you can add interactive quizzes and polls for formative assessment. Finally, you can have peer reviews with comments. It is web-based, so students can access the app wherever they have an internet connection. I always encouraged collaboration in the classroom, and Sutori made group projects and sharing easy. Finally, I could set up Sutori and use it within Moodle or Google Classroom. There are four versions available: Sutori Essential (Free), Sutori Unlimited ($120/year), Sutori Department (up to 6 educators, $500/year), and Sutori for Schools ($2,500).

 Timetoast Timetoast is strictly a web-based timeline maker. It doesn't have the features Sutori does, i.e., add videos, audio, quizzes, or surveys. It does allow for pop-up windows with additional information and images. You can work collaboratively with others as well as share your timelines with others.  There are three versions available: Public (Free), Basic ($5.99/month or $59.99 yearly), and Pro ($8.99/month or $89.99/yearly)..
 Timeline 3d Timeline 3D for Mac is a great program if you have a Mac. I like the looks of the timelines. Each item will pop up in a 3D look as you move along the timeline. You can add text, images, and videos to each item on your timeline. The program is free to download on the Mac App Store. If you want to print or save timelines, the cost is $4.99. To export slideshows and image sequences, it is $8.99. Or, you can buy the Everything bundle for $14.99.



Regarding geography, I often hear from other teachers or parents why I don't emphasize students memorizing states and capitals. I usually respond in two ways: first, I would ask them if they could name and locate each state on a map and tell me the capital. I would ask, "When was the last time you went on a job interview and were asked to identify the states and capitals?" This isn't to say geography isn't important, it just doesn't need to be painful. This is were programs like those listed below make learning fun. If you can get students to relate in some manner this information the more likely they'll remember it. Please note there are a number of other programs/apps available, I just picked out my favorites.



 Barefoot World Atlas allows you to spin, zoom, and fly around the globe.  Read and listen to the geographer, BBC TV presenter Nick Crane, and narrators Seema Anand and Thérèse Plummer. Learn fascinating facts about every country and watch hundreds of mini-videos. Primarily made for children 8 to 12.

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 world fact book

World Factbook 2003 Pro has the complete CIA World Factbook, including extensive information on more than 250 countries and locations worldwide. Countries and Locations include flags with full descriptions, color maps, geography, transnational issues, people, military, government, economy, communications, and transportation.

199 price
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 stack the states

Stack the States is a fun way to learn about the states. You learn about the states' capitals, geographic locations, flags, etc. I used this program often with students during in-between or downtimes. I would connect my iPad to the projector and Smartboard and play the game. Students loved playing this game.

299 price

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 stack the countries

Stack the Countries, like Stack the States, is a fun way to learn about countries. You will learn about country capitals, landmarks, and geographic locations. I would go between Stack the Countries and Stack the States with students. They loved these games.

299 price

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 U.S. History

Finding a good app that covers U.S. history is a bit difficult these days. In the early days of the iPad, there seemed to be a rush to develop an assortment of apps. In 2015, while presenting at several conferences on apps available for educators, I listed ten apps related to U.S. History. Today, most of them are nowhere to be found. Below is a collection of apps you might find helpful.

 US constitution

Constitution for iPad contains the Constitution along with images and biographies of the original signers. The app is free. There are two in-app purchases: 1. Constitution for iPad Upgrade provides a search feature and removes ads ($1.99); 2. Personal Notations adds features to save your notations about each document section and remove ads ($0.99).

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 declaration ipad

 Declaration for iPad includes text, notes, and original document images.

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Congress in Your Pocket, Basic Edition includes data for the 118th Congress, First Session (2023). If you want additional updates throughout the year, you can purchase them in-app.

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us presidents 

 Presidents of the United States allows you to view all of the Presidents and information about them.

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us presidents1

The U.S. Presidents contains brief information and detailed biographies of the presidents. The app includes the president's best quotes and fun facts. Also, it includes presidential portraits, direct search images, and YouTube video views.

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 World History

 Where finding apps related to U.S. History is a little more complicated, World History has numerous apps available. Some are available for Google Play and App Store, while others are only available on the App Store. A number of them are set up to be quiz-like apps.

 history happenings

History...Happenings in Historical Order is a free app about history. The app shows important historical events in the World. Most events have a " read more" button, which links you to complete event articles. The full articles come from Wikipedia.

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Ginkgo: History of the World is an app for those who love history and want to learn more about it fun and engagingly. The app is designed to help you memorize the important dates of history and understand the context and significance of each event through detailed explanations in videos. The app provides a fully illustrated timeline of global history, with carefully selected paintings and pictures for each date of significance. This visual approach will boost your knowledge. The app is free with a limited number of swipes.

Unlimited Swipes - 1 Year - $17.99
Unlimited Swipes - 1 Month - $2.09
Unlimited Swipes - Lifetime - $26.99

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world history quiz

World History Quiz Test Trivia is a collection of 120 trivia questions and facts about world history. The quiz contains questions about World War I, World War II, U.S. History, and other phases of the world's past. Questions and answers are shuffled randomly every time you play.

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back in time

Back in Time - Universe and World History will take you through the history of our Universe, Earth, Life, and Civilization. The app includes 47 chapters, over 350 images, 60+ animations and videos, 40+ illustrated timelines, and more than 200 little-known facts.

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Nothing is worse than attempting to bring new ideas into your classroom and not being heard when seeking assistance. The crucial part is to clearly understand what you're looking for in the first meeting, in person or by video conference. Make sure you are being heard and not just offered some cookie-cutter approach. And remember, your first meeting is free!

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